Art Vessels
My interest in glass started as a simple desire to learn stained glass as a hobby. Soon after, I discovered the tactile quality of dimensional windows and began using these characteristics as a means of narration. This experimentation beyond conventional techniques continues to be a factor as I explore the artistic challenges of glass blowing, attacking them with vigorous creative energy, eager to learn and grow. Patiently accepting my own struggle with the medium, creativity is exercised on an intuitive basis. Two rules I live by in the studio are “Perfect form is overrated” and “Haste makes waste”. Most of my work is organic by nature, and driven by the development of personal expression. Working in isolation, I will often create several bodies of work concurrently finding that they cross pollinate and become cohesive. This type of studio environment has given me a special understanding and appreciation of important works created by the great masters of glass, and have made me come to realize the sky is the limit to exercise ones imagination.